Counsulting Area

AI powered Data Analysis

Make use of various data sources to get a fuller understanding of your customers, competitors and business

The world of data is exploding, and is transforming the way organizations perform everything from insight activities to customer interaction. Much of this data is available for free on the Internet; or is stored in the data vaults of the company. The key to success is getting access to it, and turning it into valuable insight and action.

Since 2008 we’ve been assisting companies and organizations across the globe to turn big data into valuable insights. Assisted by our big-data platform Dcipher, we’ve turned blog posts, news media, analyst reports, forum discussions, reviews, advertisements, chat streams, patent applications, research reports, financial reports, search patterns, purchase data, demographic and economic information, location data and much more into actionable insights and recommendations.

Over the years, we’ve come to the conclusion that to fully understand a topic, a competitive landscape or consumer group, you need to take on more holistic view.

With our approach, we select the 3-5 most relevant data sources and analytical tools, in order to provide a more complete picture of the topic. We then choose the graphical presentation of the results that fits the data and the purpose best, and when big data is not enough, we add qualitative research or surveys to complete the picture. Normally, the results are presented as a combination of written reports, interactive online reports and workshops where we assist the client in turning insights into action.

Examples of clients that have used the service range form the largest global telecoms, automotive, food and consumer companies to regions and national government organizations.

Our areas of expertise