A New Way of Looking at the Swedish Amusement Consumption
An abstract from the study 'Nöjesplånboken'
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The last time that you purchased a pair of jeans, did you buy them because you really needed them, or mostly because shopping for clothes is a major hobby of yours?
And what about the last time that you purchased a new TV –would you say that the purpose of TV was mostly utility or entertainment? Answers to questions like these turn out to have interesting implications for how we choose to draw the boundaries for the amusement industry; a fact which lies at the heart of Nöjesplånboken, a recently published study from Kairos Future and Svenska Spel, the largest gaming operator in Sweden.
Please note that this is an abstract of the study 'Nöjesplånboken'. The entire study can be read in Swedish here.
Published: 2012
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