Counsulting Area
Scenario Analysis
Prepare yourself for the uncertain and unthinkable futures
Scanario analysis for WWF
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Johanna Danielsson
CEO, Senior Partner
During periods of disruptive and non-linear change, it is important to stress test your business strategy and concepts, and prepare for alternative future scenarios.
In a scenario project we identify the most relevant drivers and uncertainties in our client’s industry or general business context and develop a set of consistent, critical and highly relevant future scenarios in the format of vivid stories.
Scenario projects are normally carried out in close collaboration with the client. Most often they consist of combinations of in-house research and analysis with workshops with decision-makers – often the executive team – in the client organization.
Occasionally, we also use scenario methods to explore the future of an industry, region or topic on behalf of an industry organization, government organization or NGO.
However, most often the scenarios are part of a corporate strategy project, and aimed for direct decision-making where they are used as a foundation for risk analysis, wind tunnel-testing of existing strategies, strategy development, innovation or concept development.
Related reference
Ministry of Mining in Chile
Scenario planning for the mining industry in Chile with Ministry of Mining in Chile, CORFO and SONAMI