T-Economy and Municipalities

Lectures & Talks on Request

T-Economy and Municipalities

In this lecture, we focus on external trends and shifts that affect municipalities.

We explain the development towards the T-economy, the world becoming more connected, integrated and "flat" - while population, innovation and economics tend to be concentrated in fewer centers, and where the degree of connectivity and specialization is therefore increasingly important factors for success. In order to cope with challanges connected to this, municipalities needs to manage the transition to the T-economy. Some are in full swing, while others are in the pipeline, and some may never change - such as some parts of Sweden and other industrialized countries never really industrialized. Entering the T-society as a municipality involves increasingly participating in larger regional systems that are engaged in knowledge work, and also acquire a specialized role in this system that simultaneously operate in a symbiotic relationship with industries.

The lecture can also be combined with a customized analysis, showing the municipality's strengths and weaknesses in terms of new parameters and relationships. We can also build a unique diagnosis and knowledge platform for the municipality's long-term goals.

Book you lecture by contacting us directly!

Lectures & Talks on Request