Strategy, Organization & Management
Here you can find links to other pages on this website with the tag strategy, organization & management.
Courses & Training Programs
Lectures & Talks on Request
Thought Leadership Report with CEI
Systematic business intelligence
Analysis-driven Site Development
Where will our food come from in 2035?
Foresight-driven Strategic Competitiveness
The Swedish Police Union
The National Swedish Media Council
The high school "Staffansgymnasiet"
Folktandvården Västra Götaland
The competent management team of the future
The [digital] Organizations of the Future Are Agile
Four Shifts Characterizing Swedish Organizations' Work with Innovation
The end of the beginning
Automation – The Holy Grail of the 21st Century
The Marketing Department of the Future
Seven Steps to Benefit from the Tech Revolution
TRIM – From Future Faker to Future Maker
5 Steps to Turn your Business into an Innovation Machine
The Innovation Gap – The Challenge of the Future
Develop Assets for the Future through Employee Surveys
TAIDA: A Framework for Thinking of the Future
Managing T